Hoarded Flag

Writeup for Hoarded Flag (Forensics) - 1337UP LIVE CTF (2024) 💜

Challenge Description

My friend said they are going to make an insane new crypto challenge and I have to solve it but.. I hate crypto 😭

I saw them making a flag but didn't catch the text. When they left room I tried to open the file but they password protected it?! I can't believe they wouldn't trust me around their computer like that!! 😤

Anyway, I figured I'd take a snapshot to have a better look later.. Maybe you can help?


It's a memory dump, so we can analyse with volatility

Iterate through each of the plugins, looking for useful info. One of those plugins checks the cmdline and reveals some interesting command.

python vol.py -f memory_dump.raw windows.cmdscan

** 1032	conhost.exe	0x23442febbf0	_COMMAND_HISTORY.CommandBucket_Command_1	0x2344310e0e0	7z a -pScaredToDeathScaredToLook1312 -mhe flag.7z flag.zip

So, 7z was used to encrypt a flag using the password ScaredToDeathScaredToLook1312 🤔

Search for these files with the filescan plugin.

python vol.py -f memory_dump.raw windows.filescan | grep flag

0xb20dbd74e720	\Users\cat\Desktop\flag.7z

Download one of those (password for both is the same)

python vol.py -f memory_dump.raw windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles --virtaddr 0xb20dbd74e720

Finally, extract the flag: 7z x flag.zip

Flag: INTIGRITI{7h3_m3m0ry_h0ld5_7h3_53cr375}

Last updated