The developers learned some important things about cheaters and now hope they've learnt their lesson. Rumour has it, if you score more than 100,000 points in this game (within the 2 min time limit), you'll get a flag. Watch out for that new anti-cheat system though!
The description indicates we need more than 100,000 points to win, but there's a 2 minute time limit on each game 🤔
We'll struggle to decompile the game as we did in part 1 due to it being compiled with IL2CPP instead of Mono. You could still attach cheat engine and reverse the code as DavidP did in this video (he actually reconstructed the C# code from assembly!)
My expected approach was to open Wireshark and see some network traffic when the game is running. Since the traffic is HTTPS, players have to do a little work to decrypt it.
Setup Windows proxy
Setup burp cert to capture HTTPS traffic
Export proxy cert in PKCS format
Windows > Manage user certificates > Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates > All Tasks > Import
Traffic will now show in burp
The /start_game endpoint will initialise a game.
Each time we score a point, a request is issued to the /update_score endpoint.
We can try to modify the traffic to change the points but from trial and error we will find some conditions
Anti-cheat resets users score if they send more then 3 request per second
Anti-cheat rejects any point values that aren't 1 (and resets score)
Anti-cheat checks that players score didn't jump to an unrealistic number (more than 4096 per request)
The game resets every 2 mins so by the anti-cheat rules, max attainable score is (120 * 3))
Since they can't change the value, I thought players might play around with the keys.
This would fail because the keys are duplicate. The thing about JSON is the keys are non case-sensitive, so I hoped players would try to send BUGS_SQUASHED as well asbugs_squashed and see they score points.
So yes, intended solution is to send {"user_id": "insert_id", "bugs_squashed": 1, "bUgs_squashed": 1, "buGs_squashed": 1} etc, where you can send 4096 variations per request at a max speed of 3 requests per second. Here's a solve script to do that.
import requestsimport itertoolsimport timeBASE_URL =''defgenerate_variations(s):"""Generate all case variations of a string."""return [''.join(variant)for variant in itertools.product(*([letter.lower(), letter.upper()] for letter in s))]defstart_game(session):"""Start a new game session and return the user_id.""" response ='{BASE_URL}/start_game') response_data = response.json() user_id = response_data['user_id'] score = response_data['score']print(f"Game started! User ID: {user_id}, Initial Score: {score}")return user_id, scoredefupdate_score(session,user_id,variations):"""Send score updates to the server using all variations of 'bugs_squashed'.""" json_data ={"user_id": user_id} json_data.update({variation: 1for variation in variations}) response ='{BASE_URL}/update_score', json=json_data) response_data = response.json()if"error"in response_data:print(f"Error: {response_data['error']}")elif"message"in response_data:print(f"Message: {response_data['message']}, Current Score: {response_data['score']}")return response_data.get('score', 0)defplay_game(variations,target_score=100000):"""Play the game until the target score is reached."""with requests.Session()as session: user_id, score =start_game(session)print(len(variations))while score < target_score: score =update_score(session, user_id, variations) time.sleep(0.333)# 3 requests per secondprint(f"Target score reached! Final Score: {score}")if__name__=="__main__": variations =generate_variations("bugs_squashed")play_game(variations)
This challenge didn't get a lot of solves and people found it guessy. Thinking back on it, it was! I wish I did something different 😞 Here's the server-side code for those interested.
from flask import Flask, request, jsonifyimport uuidimport osimport loggingimport timefrom redis import Redisflag = os.getenv('FLAG', 'INTIGRITI{fake_flag}')app =Flask(__name__)# Set up logginglogging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)# Configure Redis connection using environment variablesredis_host = os.getenv('HOST', 'localhost')redis_port = os.getenv('PORT', '6379')redis_user = os.getenv('USERNAME', '')redis_pass = os.getenv('PASSWORD', '')# Construct Redis URL (e.g., redis://username:password@hostname:port/0)redis_url =f"rediss://{redis_user}:{redis_pass}@{redis_host}:{redis_port}"if redis_user and redis_pass elsef"redis://{redis_host}:{redis_port}"# Connect to Redisredis_client = Redis.from_url(redis_url)# Session duration and rate limit settingsSESSION_DURATION =120# 2 minutesRATE_LIMIT =3# requestsRATE_LIMIT_WINDOW =1# second@app.route('/start_game', methods=['POST'])defstart_game():"""Initialize a new game session for the user.""" user_id =str(uuid.uuid4()) session_key =f"user_session:{user_id}" session_data ={'score':0,'created_at': time.time()}# Store session data in Redis with expiration redis_client.hset(session_key, mapping=session_data) redis_client.expire(session_key, SESSION_DURATION)"New game started with user_id: {user_id}")returnjsonify({"user_id": user_id,"score": 0,"session_duration": SESSION_DURATION })@app.route('/update_score', methods=['POST'])defupdate_score():"""Update the user's score.""" data = request.get_json()ifnot data:returnjsonify({"error": "Invalid request data.", "score": 0}),400 user_id = data.get('user_id')ifnot user_id:returnjsonify({"error": "User ID not provided.", "score": 0}),400 session_key =f"user_session:{user_id}"# Check if session existsifnot redis_client.exists(session_key):returnjsonify({"error": "Session expired or invalid. Please restart the game.","score": 0,"session_expired": True }),401# Retrieve session data session_data = redis_client.hgetall(session_key)ifnot session_data:returnjsonify({"error": "Session data missing. Please restart the game.","score": 0,"session_expired": True }),401# Check session expiration created_at =float(session_data.get(b'created_at', 0)) session_age = time.time()- created_atif session_age > SESSION_DURATION: redis_client.delete(session_key)returnjsonify({"error": "Session expired. Please restart the game.","score": 0,"session_expired": True }),401# Implement rate limiting per user_id rate_limit_key =f"rate_limit:{user_id}" current_count = redis_client.incr(rate_limit_key)if current_count ==1:# Set expiration on rate limit key redis_client.expire(rate_limit_key, RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW)elif current_count > RATE_LIMIT:# Reset score redis_client.hset(session_key, 'score', 0)returnjsonify({"error": "Too many requests. Anti-cheat triggered! Your score has been reset.","score": 0 }),429# Points validation logic score =int(session_data.get(b'score', 0)) total_valid_points =0for key, value in data.items():if key.lower()=="bugs_squashed":try: point_value =float(value)exceptValueError: redis_client.hset(session_key, 'score', 0)returnjsonify({"error": "Invalid points value detected. Anti-cheat is investigating.","score": 0 }),400if point_value ==1: total_valid_points +=1else: redis_client.hset(session_key, 'score', 0)returnjsonify({"error": f"Invalid point value ({point_value}). Anti-cheat is suspicious.","score": 0 }),400if total_valid_points >4096: redis_client.hset(session_key, 'score', 0)returnjsonify({"error": f"Anomaly detected: {total_valid_points} points in 1 second. Score reset!","score": 0 }),400else:# Update the user's score in Redis score += total_valid_points redis_client.hset(session_key, 'score', score)if score >=100000:returnjsonify({"message": flag, "score": score})else:returnjsonify({"message": f"Score updated by {total_valid_points} points.","score": score,"session_expired": False })if__name__=='__main__':'', port=8080, debug=False)