2024 Intigriti Warmup Layers Writeup for Layers (Warmup) - 1337UP LIVE CTF (2024) 💜
Challenge Description
Weird way to encode your data, but OK! 🤷♂️
Players receive a ZIP archive to download, perhaps noticing the unusual order of extraction.
Copy unzip layers.zip
Archive: layers.zip
extracting: 48
extracting: 45
extracting: 6
extracting: 25
extracting: 55
extracting: 39
extracting: 29
extracting: 32
extracting: 24
extracting: 12
Each file contains a single byte of data.
Maybe we can concatenate them and convert from binary?
Copy cat *
It translates to 2MuNVNDzzacs9gsVHSUNN9dNVJSNbz3fjURjNBIjUdkSfxz9eDoS5NRV
, which although plaintext, doesn't have a recognisable encoding (and fails with magic ).
Notice that if we check the timestamps of the files, they weren't created in the order you would expect (sequentially, according to their filenames).
Copy ls -lart
total 224
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:09 48
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:10 45
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:10 6
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:11 25
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:11 55
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:12 39
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:12 29
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:13 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:13 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:14 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:14 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:15 31
-rw-r--r-- 1 crystal crystal 8 Aug 19 17:15 52
Let's try to concatenate in ascending order by timestamp, instead of filename. We can use a script to automate the whole process.
Copy import zipfile
import os
from datetime import datetime
ARCHIVE_NAME = "layers.zip"
EXTRACT_DIR = "files"
def binary_to_char ( binary_str ):
return chr ( int (binary_str, 2 ))
with zipfile . ZipFile (ARCHIVE_NAME, 'r' ) as zipf :
for info in zipf . infolist ():
extracted_path = zipf . extract (info, EXTRACT_DIR)
date_time = datetime ( * info.date_time)
mod_time = date_time . timestamp ()
os . utime (extracted_path, (mod_time, mod_time))
file_data = []
for file_name in os . listdir (EXTRACT_DIR):
file_path = os . path . join (EXTRACT_DIR, file_name)
mod_time = os . path . getmtime (file_path)
with open (file_path, "r" ) as f :
binary_data = f . read (). strip ()
char = binary_to_char (binary_data)
file_data . append ((mod_time, char))
file_data . sort ()
reconstructed_string = '' . join ([char for _, char in file_data])
print ( "Reconstructed String:" )
print (reconstructed_string)
for file_name in os . listdir (EXTRACT_DIR):
os . remove (os.path. join (EXTRACT_DIR, file_name))
os . rmdir (EXTRACT_DIR)
Copy python solve.py
Reconstructed String:
What happens if we run magic on this one?
It's detected as Base64 encoding 😎
Flag: INTIGRITI{7h3r35_l4y3r5_70_7h15_ch4ll3n63}