Who knew invoices could be secure AND cute? Our third-party contractor for space shuttle parts is using the best tooling for sending us secure invoices.
from pikepdf import Pdffrom PySide6 import QtCore# https://github.com/IJHack/QtPass/blob/master/src/passwordconfiguration.h shows charsetcharset =list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]|:;<>,.?')password_len =16# Screeshot shows 16# https://github.com/IJHack/QtPass/issues/338# QTime::msec indicates this is merely "the millisecond part (0 to 999) of the time", e.g. only 1000 possibilities of generated sequences of passwordsfor x inrange(1, 1000): password =''# https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/random/minstd_rand/# The generator has a single value as state, which is modified by its transition algorithm on each advance like x is modified in the following piece of code:# x = x * 48271 % 214748364 state = x *48271%2147483647for i inrange(password_len): index = state %len(charset)# int index = Util::rand() % charset.length(); nextChar = charset[index]# QChar nextChar = charset.at(index); password +=str(nextChar)# passwd.append(nextChar); state = state *48271%2147483647try:# Try to open PDF with this password, print if correct pdf = Pdf.open('invoice.pdf', password=str(password))print('correct password: '+str(password))print(pdf)exit(0)exceptExceptionas e:print('incorrect password: '+str(password))